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try me, test me

Are you aware of the difference between culture and identity?


You tell me we have the choice to decide where we want our past to take us and how we approach similar situations in the future, but don’t our experiences often shape our perception and mould our opinions?


I can easily say that my bubble has burst more times than yours but who am I to compare and judge pain?


They say we are the result of the 5 closest people we surround ourselves by, an ever changing whirlpool of influences and inputs.

Am I easily led by tradition and by how I think I need to feel or am I leading my own way?


I hope you understand the concept of losing yourself to find yourself and do not interpret my anger as defeat, as I am not defeated however conflicted between my experiences and curiosity. Left rooted in a stubborn response when confronted and challenged by who I’m allowing to hurt me. A desire to find validation and appreciation within people whose incentives aren’t to figure you out but to make the most of their own time.


The men in my life have often drifted on their own accord, multiple encounters although never enough to quench the thirst. Does this now determine my culture or do I test my teachings?

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