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a timeless year

I find myself not only feeling but visually noticing the day slipping into darkness during this time of year.


How’s this all been for you?


Did you start to carve your name into the earth this year, or continue to wait for it to ask you first?


May I please ask of you something? Promise to stop saving yourself for the best but never planning for that time. Why do you feel the need to only make those changes once the year has passed? Stop neglecting the time you’re gifted with every morning.


I call it “Our Decision”


Once you learn to discipline your subconscious thoughts, you’ll awaken an eternal mind. Challenge how deep you’ll delve into a situation when you can find more reasons behind the possible hurt than your discovery.


Keep in mind of your beginning resource, your initial purpose.


Be open to the influence of change and waking up with contradicting opinions and views. How can you expect or practise self-evaluation and growth if you feel uncomfortable with the concept of questioning why you’re in that position?


Go back to your roots, reflect then apply it. Gently let the pride down.


Why deny yourself of your own desires?

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